Society Socks

Packaging, Sock Design, Inserts & Misc.

Society Socks is a men's sock subscription with a social cause and a leading Canadian Sock Shop with a wide variety of bold, funky and stylish men's socks. I worked full-time as an intern at Society Socks from June to September 2020 and have continued working for them on a part-time basis ever since.

Throughout my time working with them I have designed sock patterns, packaging for their pouches and boxes, packaging inserts, emails, social media posts and stories, digital advertisements, and a variety of miscellaneous assets for their website.

I’ve created over 100 unique patterns for Society Socks, many with multiple colour options, while keeping in mind the limitations of sock production and ensuring my patterns were drawn, and my files were set up, accordingly. The designs shown above are a selection of my personal favourite patterns that I’ve created so far.

Over the course of a few weeks I created and proposed over 20 packaging concepts. The ideas behind these concepts came about from a mix of my own ideas and visual research, brainstorming between me and my boss, and images and ideas brought to me by my boss. Above are a selection of my favourite concepts.

I’ve also created a variety of custom icons for use on their website and above are a selection of my favourites, many of which are currently in use. These, and other assets I’ve created, can be seen here:

Each month, subscribers of Society Socks receive a new custom insert with their socks that contain a variety of messaging including discount codes, contest rules, and general information about the company. Above are a selection of my favourite inserts from the few dozen I designed that will be showing up in subscription pouches over the next year or so.